Academia & Training

At AIC, promoting technical competencies in our industry is an important part of our culture. Given the insurance legislative climate within markets such as Egypt, and the call for the training of young Egyptians in the insurance industry.

At AIC, promoting technical competencies in our industry is an important part of our culture. Given the insurance legislative climate within markets such as Egypt, and the call for the training of young Egyptians in the insurance industry.

AIC Training and Academia has developed a range of bilingual insurance training programs at basic, intermediary, and advanced levels designed to provide executives working with insurance “hands  on"  practical  and theoretical know how.

Some of the services offered include:
Two week executive training programs (held on a semiannual basis)
Drafting of insurance related literature
Seminars for specialists in subjects such as:
• Insurance for the 'non insurance' specialist
• The principles of Insurance
• The Risk Management concept
• The assessment of risk
• Health & safety
• Environmental issues
• The place of the Risk Manager in modern commerce.

For more information, please contact: